Friday, October 27, 2006

Candidate Profile
Amanda Quennell
October 18, 2006

Hard working volunteer, and father to one, Duane LeeAllen, has focused on aiding the community over the past few years. His wife, Judy and 10 month old daughter Chloe, are the reason for his continual hard work. LeeAllen grew up Roman Catholic, although now has no affiliation to a specific church. His religious beliefs or lack there of do not deter him from helping the community and the families within to grow. LeeAllen was raised in a lower income area of Toronto, with his parents, and since moving to Brantford has realized the similarities between the two cities. His attempts are to improve the downtown area and clean up the city.

LeeAllen has been a part of Habitat for Humanity for two years now, working on several building projects within the downtown residential core. He has helped build up to four family homes, as well as helping with Empire Communities, which is an organization that is involved with building residential and commercial structures, and are responsible for the Wyndfield Community, in Brantford. LeeAllen has also sat on many building committees within the community. In total, he claims to have spent 200 to 300 hours of time per year helping out within the area.

As a local entrepreneur, he feels that his awareness of the community along with his ability to make a business work makes him the perfect candidate for Ward 5 councilor in this years election held on November 13th. LeeAllen supports his family and himself through a small business, Brant Artscapes Inc which was established as an Artist studio, gallery and economic development center. The facility promotes both Artists and new businesses with shared and private studio spaces. The center also offers various programs for youth, youth at risk, and a program called introduction to industry which received approval from the ministry of education being a non-certified program. Those teaching introduced individuals to cabinetry, welding, machine, and other trades in order for them to experience various aspects of industry to help them make a more informed career choice. Promotions for members were also a priority for the center.

Although, before LeeAllen got his business up and running he presented the business plan for Brant Artscapes in 2001, to a member of council and senior staff, but not to the council as a whole. His purpose was to possibly establish Brant Artscapes as a non-profit center funded by the city and organizations. Unfortunately, LeeAllen was turned down, so he got Brant Artscapes established based around membership funding. In 2003, Ward 5 councilor Marguerite Ceschi-Smith, allegedly, used LeeAllens’ business plan without permission and established the BCN, Brantford Cultural Network, whose main goal is to promote and encourage arts and culture in Brantford, which was the same plan LeeAllen proposed.

LeeAllen now wishes to unseat existing Ward 5 councilor Marguerite Ceschi-Smith on accusations of corruption. He believes that he represents the “average person” and the corruption will not end until it is known. “The squeaky wheel gets the grease,” stated LeeAllen. “It starts with one person.” LeeAllen feels his dedication to the people of Brantford through his extensive volunteer work will bring him out on top. “I like to help people, and sometimes do it in detriment to myself.”

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Terry Fox Lives On In Brantford
By: Amanda Quennell

High spirits, smiles, and sneakers filled the streets of downtown Brantford on Sunday, September 17, 2006, as the 25th annual Terry Fox run commenced. Brantford citizens, and students of all ages made their way to the start location at the Brantford & District Labour Center in order to participate in the run. The volunteers wearing their Terry fox t-shirts, and name tags, were running around frantically for the duration of the morning making sure everything ran smoothly. They were stationed at various areas throughout the parking lot, from the t-shirt stand to the silent auction and these areas were filled with prizes donated from numerous families and businesses.
“I was quite pleased with the turn out for this year,” stated volunteer Jane Burnett. “Team Adidas, has put together a large team to aid in fundraising.” Employees and their family members of the Adidas company made up a team of around 113 people whose purpose was to help out the Brantford community by way of very generous donations. “Adidas has never been affiliated with any other fundraiser or charity although this one was different,” stated Apryl Rowe, coordinator of the team. “Terry Fox, during his run, wore the Adidas Orion shoe, so we were compelled.” Aside from the team they managed to put together, they promised to donate $250.00 to every child under 16, who participated in the run. “On Friday our estimate was $12,000 dollars donated by team Adidas, and we are proud of those numbers,” says Apryl Rowe.
Among those who participated was our very own Dave Prang, Laurier Residential Advisor. Dave was out alone to the run equipped with bicycle and helmet. “I had nothing else to do today,” he stated about his purpose for participating. Dave donated $20.00 to the cause. “Terry is an inspirational leader, a great guy.”
Terry Fox said before he died, “Even if we don’t finish, we need others to continue. It’s got to keep going without me,” and he was right. Communities throughout Ontario and the world today will continue with Terry’s Marathon of Hope which began in 1981.

Don’t be fooled by her blonde hair and blue eyes. Amanda Quennell seems like an interesting young lady but her life is not as exciting as it may appear to be. Back in her home town of Havelock, Ontario she was not one to go out very often. She was a member of her school rowing team, and she played a key role when they won the second place victory in their last regatta of the year.
The middle child of three, Amandas' siblings are not as dedicated to school as Amanda, as they will not be attending any post-secondary schooling. Brantford appealed to Amanda as she was looking for a quiet community to study journalism.
Laurier offers an exclusive Journalism program in printing and broadcast which was the highlight of the University that caught her eye. Amanda not only wants to study to become a talented writer but she also would like to write in the entertainment field. The biggest accomplishment for Amanda in her life is her enrollment in the journalism program at Laurier. She had various financial difficulties to overcome before she could get here.
After Amanda completes her four years of school for journalism she would like to work towards her goal of one day working for Global. Amanda’s dedication to her dream, will one day make her a very successful journalist.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

First assignment....

My first assignment as a journalism student was to create a blog that would be a home to my many words for the next year. "Blogging" is a new thing to me, I have never attempted to indulge in the online journal writing of an exclusive blogger. I am merely entertained by the thought and then it passes. As an assignment, no writing was involved but I felt I should formally introduce this page to the potential readers.
My first year status at Laurier, may not matter to those readers although I feel it necessary to state. My failures and accomplishments in writing over the next few years will be showcased for all to see, and that idea scares me. I hope that my writings entertain and inspire those who bother to read.